Are You Staying Focused ?

Today I start with a quote. “Lay hold of today’s task and you will not depend so much upon tomorrow’s.” Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4B.C.–65A.D.) Roman philosopher and statesman

Spring is almost here. You can feel it in the air. With spring all kinds of reasons to put off working your business come to light. It is just too nice out to work is a particularly favorite among those of us who have been stuck inside for the last six months of this endless winter. My house is a mess is also a great one since most of us, in spite of our best efforts; now know what it is like to live on a beach with the unrelenting sand that seems to always be somewhere no matter how much we sweep.

Spring is also a good time to evaluate your business. The first quarter of the year is gone. Are you where you wanted to be by now? Why not? What can you change to make sure the second quarter is more effective? Maybe you did something really well. Did you pass on that information to your team? How about your team anyway? How are they all doing? What can you do differently to help them?

By staying focused and evaluating your business, you can reap the benefits. Remember the 90 day rule—the work that you put in now will take 90 days to come to full fruition. In 90 days, it will be summer and even more distractions. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to take a family vacation that you earned by working hard now?

Growing a business and taking care of your team takes time and energy on a consistent basis. There are always distractions. The key is to have goals, have a plan, and have the discipline to do the work. No one is above getting distracted occasionally by a beautiful spring day, just don’t let the distractions become the norm and negatively affect your business. If you start to feel restless, plan a little distraction as a reward after you complete Remember that there is always someone depending on you—even if it is only you!

Are you ready to focus or will you continue to chase the brass ring that is just out of your reach?

Click here to get the brass ring

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