Attitude is a Choice What is Yours?

No matter what line of work you are in, the importance of attitude cannot be over stressed. Attitude has been linked to success, over feelings of happiness, and even health (1). An entire industry has been devoted to attitude through affirmations. Of course, the very first step is deciding to control you attitude. Sometimes this can be easier said than done.

Viktor Frankl (Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist) said, “The last of the human freedoms to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” There is perhaps no other industry where this is tested more than in multilevel marketing. There are numerous reasons to choose to have a bad attitude when it comes to your multilevel marketing business. These include: the system doesn’t work, my upline doesn’t care, my downline isn’t doing anything, I’m too busy to work my business, I’m never going to make any money, and so on. In other words, I want to give up because I don’t think this will work anyway.

But what if you could change your attitude to say what if it all went right? What if I could work through the difficulties? What if I could devoted my time and effort in a positive way to growing my business? What is possible? By doing nothing more than changing your attitude, you can change your business and your life forever.

Remember, you attitude, good or bad, is contagious. This is particularly important if you are a leader. A negative or disinterested attitude will be picked up by others in your organization and will become a self-fulfilling prophesy. By being convinced that nothing is going right, you translate this to your team and guess what? Nothing will go well. On the other hand, if you go through the day emphasizing the things that are going well, solving problems with in a positive way, using issues that come up as learning experiences, and being convinced that things are really going great, great things will happen you’re your team. Positive or negative, you will get exactly what you think you will get.

Make a conscious decision to always maintain a positive attitude for your business no matter what else is going on. This takes discipline, but you will be rewarded in the long run and your team will benefit as well. You never know what kind of day someone is having, but if you always portray a positive attitude it will be contagious and will impact your business in very positive ways.

“Just remember you are what you say you are”. The Blindguy with vision.

1.       Campbell, Bruce.  Optimism, Hope & Control:  Attitudes and Health, CFIDS & Fibromyalgia Self-Help.

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