Are You Cut Out for Network Marketing?

People that are attracted to network marketing come from all walks of life and for various reasons. While anyone can be successful in network marketing or multilevel marketing, there are certain personality traits that can make you more successful. If you don’t come by these traits naturally, then you need to develop them.

Probably the number one trait that keeps people from getting into multilevel marketing or stops them from being successful is that they are risk-adverse. Risk aversion refers to risk taking of any kind. It may involve the financial risk of getting involved in a new business (although for many companies the risk is not that great), but more often it is being afraid of the risk of trying something new. People let their fear overcome their potential. If you cannot overcome your fear you can make your chances of success very slim indeed.

A second trait is the perception that you know better. If you are new to multilevel marketing, some of the methodologies may seem strange to you. They may even seem to go against traditional logic. You may be inclined to “reinvent the wheel.” This attitude can sabotage your business very quickly. The key to overcoming this tendency is simply to look at what has been successful in the past. If it is has been successful for so many people, why would it not work for you? Everyone brings their own style to their business, but you have resist the temptation to try to do things in a totally different way—at least until you understand more about how the business works!

Building a network marketing business takes time and patience. A strong organization is not built overnight. You want strong people in your organization. Building a business quickly only to have half of your people drop out in the first three months is not only detrimental to your ego; it doesn’t do much for your pocketbook either. Taking the time to find quality people takes practice, training, and time.

Taking everything personally will also cause you unnecessary pain in the network marketing business. To build the business you have to talk to people—lots and lots of people. Some will be more enthusiastic that others to hear from you. You have to learn to not take no gracefully. While there have been lots of articles and books written about this subject, it take practice to get over hearing no and not taking it personally.

Being successful in a network marketing business takes a real desire to do what needs to be done. Do you have what it takes?

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

Thomas Edison

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