A Company Review: Asantae Java™. Coffee for Your Health

Coffee: A favorite beverage around the world, particularly in the United States. 75% of the adults in the United State drink at least one cup of coffee daily. We’ve all heard the good, the bad, and the even worse about coffee. But we’ve also heard about the benefits including the fact that coffee is rich in antioxidants. Coffee has more antioxidants than wine, tea, vegetables and even fruit. Once more the quality of antioxidants in coffee are more bioavailable.

What if we could feel really good about drinking that cup of morning coffee? What if the health benefits were so good we could even have another cup in the afternoon or even the evening? That time has come. Now there is a coffee with three times the antioxidant level higher than the already high level found naturally in coffee. Scientists at Asantae Java™ have spent seven years perfected a roasting process called the Health Roast Process™. Through this process, Asantae Java™ is able to replace the antioxidants that are lost in the normal roasting process. This results in not only a great cup of coffee, but a healthy one as well. Premium coffee has far more antioxidants than other food sources and Asantae Java™ has 50%-300% more antioxidants than other premium roast coffees.

Why are antioxidants important? Antioxidants are necessary to fight to the free radicals that result from the stress of daily living. These antioxidants can cancel out the cell-damaging effects of these free radicals. More antioxidants can also lower the risk of heart disease, some neurological diseases.  They can also protect against some cancers and delay the onset of many other age-related diseases including Alzheimer’s and macular degeneration.

The same process that results in the high number of antioxidants also means a great cup of coffee. Don’t like the bitterness and after bite of some premium coffees? With Asantae Java™, all you get a smooth cup of coffee with none of the bitterness or after bite. Does the acid in coffee bother your stomach? The Healthy Roast™ process also decreases the amount of acid in our coffee which could mean less stomach upset for you.

You can have your coffee and your health too thanks to Asantae Java™. You’ll love Asantae Java™ for the taste. Being able to feel good about drinking your coffee is just a little something extra from Asantae Java™ to you.

Coffee Review

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